Behind the Scenes with Mal
Behind the Scenes with Mal
One of the things I was most fearful of when stepping into my own business was my mental illness. I thought about the days when my anxiety would make it nearly impossible to focus or the days when my depression would leave me bed-ridden.
- May 21, 2020
- 2 min read
If you have ever crossed paths with me, read any of my writing, followed me on any social media platform, or listened to any of my speeches, you are very much aware that I proudly speak about my mental illness and the subsequent journey that has come as a result.
- April 09, 2020
- 2 min read
There is no time like the present to do the thing you’ve always been meaning to do. Well, with the present state of the world, and my newly unemployed status, I guess making my side hustle my full-time hustle starts…now!
- April 02, 2020
- 2 min read